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Ethical Data Sharing™

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Solving for data sharing with elegance and integrity.
This changes everything.
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Empower Secure Collaboration with Sympatic:
Your Control, No Data Movement

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Sympatic enables data-driven organizations to collaborate securely and efficiently, without sacrificing control or confidentiality. By utilizing our unique zero-copy paradigm, you can work on data-driven projects across teams and companies without physically transferring sensitive data. Our platform streamlines data collaboration, minimizes regulatory risks, and enhances innovation speed. With Sympatic, you retain full control of your data while unlocking its full potential.

A line art illustration of a syringe and a reflex hammer.

Sympatic for

Life Science

How do you create data collaboration across companies without trading real data?
Move to a zero copy world.

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A line art illustration of an apple.

Sympatic for

Medical Centers

You know there is demand for your data. How do you keep in full control of how your data is used and the value it derives?
Virtualization keeps you in control.

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A line art illustration of a lightbulb.

Sympatic for


The biggest bottleneck to bringing in new innovations are the agreements to access your data. How do you solve this? Safe data sandboxes are the breakthrough you need.

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Begin to see data sharing with end-to-end control of your data.

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